Relationships can be ARE hard work!

So it's hardly surprising that couples who experience the world very differently from each other have additional challenges.
We'll work together to understand those differences, and how they impact you both individually and as a couple. We'll explore underlying challenges...
​emotional regulation
energy levels
sensory / auditory processing
executive functioning
social confidence
rejection sensitivity
demand avoidance
emotional reciprocity
conflict avoidance
feelings of inadequacy
...that drive exasperated couples into therapy, exclaiming...
"We can't communicate anymore!"
Getting beneath the surface into the nuts and bolts of your neurodivergent relationship will enable greater understanding of each partner's needs and expectations.
You'll have an increased appreciation for each other's unique strengths while establishing positive boundaries for clear and constructive communication and a more fulfilling relationship.
Supporting Loved Ones
Being there for someone who's overwhelmed and struggling can take its toll.
Whether attending individually or as a family group, we will create a safe space to develop
understanding and explore ways to improve your relationships and personal wellbeing.